Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mother's Day

Haven't blogged for awhile, so thought I better get busy. Have done a few crafts, mostly pertaining to displays for Mother's Day. I made up flower arrangements in mismatched china cups and saucers. I had enough in my stash to make 9 arrangements. These will sit on the tables at the deli. I hit a rummage sale this weekend and found 4 more cups and saucers for 50 cents/set. So I nabbed those to replenish my supply!

For the Mother's Day holiday, I wanted to use my stock of aprons and put them under the glass of the tables. I ironed up the old aprons gathered some apron patterns and printed off some mom type poems as well as My Mother's apron poem: by Marie Marshall:

My Mother wore an apron a clean one every day,
a part of daily living it served in many ways,
when she hung the wash to dry, her pockets held the pins,
the apron was a washcloth that cleaned our dirty chins,
when days were hot and humid twas used to mop her brow,
when hands were wet from laundry the apron was a towel,
here pocket hid the needle to sew the rips we'd get,
in Mother and her apron, our many needs were met,
sometimes it was a basket for eggs or baby chicks,
a bag for garden bounty and apples that she picked,
at suppertime the apron protected Mother's hands,
when taking bread from the oven or lifting lids from pans,
it was a fan in the evening to shoo away the flies,
but the apron's greatest gift was to wipe tears from childish eyes.
I also asked all the ladies at the deli to bring in photos of their mom's (and they really brought in some neat old photos) and I put all the items together under the glass, I like the the way it turned out, see the pictures. I guess I always knew I'd have a use for all of these aprons. I picked up most at garage sales and thrift stores and some are just too neat to get rid of! Speaking of neat aprons, check out the blog of Apron queen she has some awsome aprons, recipes and links.