Sunday, March 20, 2011

Life of a garden - March

Well today is officially the first day of spring! My husband stuck his nose out (think groundhog) and declared: "It smells like spring." Despite all that it really still looks like winter here. However I dug around a little and did see a few signs of life in my perennial beds. The Heuchera is coming back, as seen by the little green leaves. This is a garden staple for me. They do well in shade and are resistant to the slug army in our yard.

The Sedum is also coming back, despite being a succulent type plant this again is a hardy workhorse of the garden, plus it can be propagated and divided with ease - almost accidentally sometimes. I love Sedum and have it planted in various sunny locations.
Our vegetable garden is still covered in snow, will be awhile before we get in here to turn the soil and plant our veggie seeds. The garden bed is about 10 feet by 20 feet, which isn't huge, but we do manage to get a fair amount of produce out of it. We can salsa, spaghetti sauce, hot sauce, sweet relish and pickles. Plus we froze more veg last year so that it didn't go to waste. I blanched and froze lots of spinach and peppers too.
Until my next post I'll be dreaming of warm sunshine on my face and arms, and the far away sounds of the sad and beautiful mourning doves.