Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Recycled T-Shirt Totes

Every now and then I get the urge to create. And being the spend thrift that I am I found some cheap t-shirts with really cute designs and was inspired to try my hand at making totes out of them!  These are my first attempts, and I think they look kind of cute. The t-shirt fabric however is hard to work with if you don't have a serger. What I ended up doing was zigzagging all the raw edges and then sewing the bags together, this seemed to work out a bit better. I even did a little applique on the handle of one of the totes. Although I have to admit, the "Kiss of Death" Geisha bag was my favorite!
I also experimented with felted wool sweater totes, and determined that I liked working with the wool better, it's much more forgiving, and when you block it you can reshape it a bit if needed. I'm now sewing up more recycled t-shirt totes, and so far all materials that are going into them have been either purchased at thrift stores or rummage sales. More to come on that project!